The Delmarva Peninsula is the body of land to the east of the Chesapeake Bay. It is, in fact, the body of land that makes the Chesapeake a bay, and not just part of the Atlantic Ocean. It is composed of parts of Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia. Also known as the Eastern Shore it has a unique, complex proud population of people.
The Delmarva’s Own Podcast is here to meet the people of Delmarva, learn their perspectives, and tell their stories.
Jeff Scott – pictured here with his wife, Joy – first set foot on Delmarva during the summer of 1995. In short, he likes it here. He likes the people, the land, and the pace of life. He is a writer and can be found at his website, www.jeffreyscottwriting.com.
Randy Scott was born and raised on the Eastern Shore. He is a local radio personality and voice over artist. He and his wife, Jamie, live in Salisbury with their two children. He can be found at his website, www.voiceofrandy.com.
Delmarva’s Own is your podcast, and we want to tell your story! If you think you know of a person, place, thing … basically a Delmarva noun … that listeners would find interesting or meaningful, let us know! If we agree, we’ll work to have them on.
This can be a friend or family member who has a fascinating backstory you’re proud of. Know someone who’s overcome failure and obstacles to reach success? Is there a business or leader who is making a difference in your community? Do you know a story about Delmarva that has helped make our region, states or country into what they are today? These are the stories we want to tell.
Fill out the short form below. We will only use the contact information to get back to you. It does not sign you up for anything whatsoever, and your name and email do not go into a database of any kind.
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